Meet Joshua Malovasic

The most important thing about me is that I am a Christian. Out of love and grace, Christ Jesus came to this world as a man, lived a righteous life, faced the wrath of God the Father on the cross, and was resurrected from the dead by the power of the Spirit. Because of this work, I have been saved from my sin, declared righteous before God, made a child of the King, and will dwell in his presence forever. This is the Good News of King Jesus, the ‘Gospel that is the power of God unto salvation.’

I am running for office primarily for this exact reason: I am a Christian. Over the past several years, I have learned more and more that no good legislation comes from those who do not fear the Lord and submit to his Word. Only from the Bible do we get a true standard of justice and goodness, and only from there can legislators and rulers govern in the way they ought.

I have lived in Euclid all my life, and there is no place in this world that I love more than home. My wonderful family—my mom, dad, and brother—has been the greatest blessing God has given me outside of my salvation.

I am 21 years old and finishing up my degree in Theology and Biblical Studies at Grove City College. My goal for several years now has been to serve the Church as a pastor, and I plan on going to seminary in the coming years to earn an MDiv.

I am not a career politician.

It was never my intention to go into politics, I am not studying political science or law, and I do not intend to make this a lifelong endeavor. Instead, I decided to run for office based on conviction - because of what I believe is right and true.

Our legislators, on the left and the right, have rejected God and God’s standard of righteousness. Many elected officials, both Democrat and Republicans, are working for money, votes, and personal gain, rather than the people of Ohio.

Many would say that I am unqualified because I lack experience - meaning that I am young, have not studied this field formally at a university, and am not steeped in the world of politics. However, these turn out to be some of the reasons that I am most qualified for this office. Aren’t we tired of the same old, passionless legislators who seem to care very little about the every day Ohioan? Aren’t we sick of people who have done nothing but engulf themselves in the twisted political world and have everything to gain from it?

Vote for the same career politicians, or vote for me.