
I’m a Christian, conservative, and constitutionalist. The Bible contains not only the way of eternal life for lost sinners, but the perfect outline to guide our policy positions and legislation so that it pleases the King of kings. Additionally, I am committed to the constitution and the limits it places on the branches of government and each elected office. We cannot have rogue officials dismissing the state or federal constitution. Instead, the integrity of our founding documents and courts must be maintained and upheld by our legislation. Finally, I am accountable to the people of Ohio for what I do with my office. A public servant should be just that, a servant of the people of this great state.

Preventing government overreach

The founding fathers believed in Federalism, where the civil government has very specific functions and limits. The civil government is just one of four governments instituted by God (the others being family government, church government, and self government). Within the civil government, there were branches created to keep a central power from having too much control and taking over. I believe in this Biblical and constitutional idea, and will do everything in my power to make sure the state government operates within its limits.

Equal protection for the unborn

As a Christian, I believe that human beings are made in the image of God. Abortion, the premeditated killing (with malice aforethought) of an innocent child, is murder.

Tragically, the number of babies murdered by abortion in Ohio has been increasing. Our recent constitutional amendment is in flagrant violation of God’s law and Amendment XVI of the United States Constitution, which clearly prohibits the states from enacting laws that deprive people of the right to life.

Baby murder should not be regulated as “healthcare”–it must be abolished (as Amendment XIV requires). Sadly, Republican lawmakers in Ohio have compromised on this issue, regulating the time and place baby murder can happen, but failing to fight for its abolition. I will propose legislation to criminalize abortion from conception without exceptions. Justice delayed is justice denied. Abortion must be abolished.

State income tax and property tax

The government has been overcharging the American people with a state income tax and a ridiculous property tax. I will advocate for legislation to lower both with the end goal of restructuring the budget and cutting expenses to keep earned income in the pockets of Ohioans.

Protecting the rights of all People

I will have the privilege of serving an ethnically diverse district. I will defend the rights of all Ohio citizens, regardless of their race, occupation, age, background, or religion. The rights recognized by the constitution are defined as “inalienable”, meaning that no one can infringe on someone else’s rights for any reason.

Biblical economics and free market principles

Time and time again, history has shown us that government intervention is a great way to cripple our economy. The best way for businesses to thrive is by keeping the government out of them. I will promote limiting government intervention, lower taxes, and ethical monetary policy. The way the government spends its money matters to God and consequentially effects Ohioans. God will hold us responsible for how we stewarded what he has given us.

Defending the right to self-defense

Ohioans have a God-given right to self-defense. I am fully in support of Ohio Republicans’ recent legislation to legalize Constitutional Carry and arm teachers. I will continue to defend Ohioans' right to self defense by the bearing of arms.

Reduce Spending

It should be obvious, but most politicians don’t seem to understand that debt is bad. The way the government spends its money matters to God and affects Ohioans. God will hold us responsible for how we steward what he has given us. I will work to reduce our state spending and make sure we don’t spend money we don’t have.